FAQs & Disclaimers
Unfortunately, no. Coaching and energy work are not covered by insurance and all fees are out-of-pocket.
Money is a challenging topic and comes with its own subgroup of triggers and traumas. Money is also our primary form of energetic exchange and when utilized in alignment, with intention, and trust, abundance follows. I believe transparency is also important and I aim to make this work affordable. Each situation is considered on a case-by-case basis, through the lens of the green bottle, even if that means acknowledging now is not the time to move forward.
For more information, it’s best to schedule a 20-minute discovery call.
No. Neither coaching nor energy work sessions are the same as psychotherapy or receiving care from a medical doctor. While they may compliment each other, they are not replaceable for seeking support from a licensed professional when needed. In this relationship, I am working only within the capacities of a Coach or Energy Worker under the umbrella of The Conscious Vessel LLC. For issues that require care from a licensed professional, it is important to seek medical or therapeutic attention from a Physician or Licensed Mental Health Professional in your area.
The primary populations I work with are young adults (18+), adults, and elders. I do not currently work with those under the age of eighteen. My practice is open to those from all different backgrounds and I welcome individuals exploring non-traditional relationships such as polyamory or ethical non-monogamy, psychedelic lifestyles, BDsM/k!nk, and BIPOC and LGBTQ+ communities.
Spirituality stems from a belief that otherworldly connections can be experienced beyond our perceived physical reality. A common sense of feeling there is something “greater” or “higher” than the individual Self typically resonates. Spirituality is often aligned with a lifestyle that utilizes methods to interact with ‘non-ordinary’ states of consciousness such as meditation, yoga, dance, energy work, psychedelics or plant medicine, and/or breath work.
Living a spiritual life takes a variety of forms and at the beginning, does not have to be attached to any organized concept or religion, though many do find themselves desiring a deeper theological understanding at some point. In my case, my spiritual path has led me to start deepening my practice and study of various dual and non-dual traditions, mainly Buddhism, Hinduism, and Shamanism. Spirituality in practice is available to anyone interested in richening their experiences with their internal, external, and metaphysical realities.
To develop yourself as a spiritual being, also calls for the recognition of and facing our most vulnerable and challenging aspects of ourselves. Your “shadow,” when out of balance and living in the unconscious, often is the cause for maladaptive behaviors, attitudes, and challenges within the central and autonomic nervous systems. In turn, our shadows have reason to perpetuate feelings of high stress, scarcity, lacking, victimization, and various other hardships. Fear typically rules this area, and in essence, when approached with time, space, and attention, our shadows can become integrated into our systems, bringing us into great fullness and authenticity. Spiritual bypassing is when we do not look at these fundamentally important areas. The “shadow” is just as essential to our system as the “light,” and supports alignment when we understand how to approach it through this lens.
Spiritual bypassing is widespread throughout mainstream spiritual rhetoric. It’s important to have this background if we are to engage in any kind of work together.
Spiritual emergence and emergency are phrases coined by Christina & Stan Grof, M.D. & PhD. Elders and leaders in the forward movement of non-ordinary states of consciousness since the 1960’s.
Spiritual emergence is when an individual experiences an expansion of their consciousness beyond their perceived reality. In the process of “waking up” or “awakening,” a greater recognition of and capacity to hold more than one perspective is likely to occur. Core beliefs become known and often shift, sometimes leading to change at a rapid pace. Spiritual emergence can be induced through any variety of altered state experiences including, but not limited to: Meditation, plant medicine/psychedelics, breath work, yoga, kundalini awakenings, sexual exchange, working with the chakras, etc.
Emergent states operate on a spectrum and generally oscillate between states of full ecstasy, pleasure, and bliss, to the other end of disruption and disorientation. When one is lacking in their capacity to remain grounded in their present reality while concurrently opened up to multiple other realities, there is a greater potential for a challenging experience, or in the extreme, lead to a deeper state of Spiritual Emergency, or sometimes referred to as psychosis. It is essential to have practices in place that support a harmony between states, starting with discipline, outlets for the energy to move, a solid support system, developing internal trust, nature, and nourishment.
There is so much more to this topic and while the process can be utterly beautiful, it can also slip without these things in place. Additionally, I want to share that much of the information here is coming entirely from my own experience, research, and mentorship. Much has been self-taught, self-initiated, and it is a birthright. I also have an incredible support system with mentors and community whom I confide in regularly. My hope is to share in the wisdom and gifts that come along with such a powerful process of transmission and transmutation.
Psychedelics and plant medicines have been around from decades to centuries and are used among many cultures around the world for ritualistic and spiritual growth. In many of these communities, there is a common understanding of the cycle of what the western model has named Preparation and Integration. Preparation is the time before the journey and an opportunity to practice honoring and making sacred the exploration to go within and beyond. It is also a time to reflect on, feel into, and clarify intentions, as well as ensure one’s mental and physical health are in a good place. Preparation sometimes involves changes in diet, the consumption of media, shifts into a deeper meditative practice, solitude, and developing a connection to nature.
Integration is what comes after. I’ve heard some say and in my experience agree, the deep dive journey is only about 15% of the entire experience and integration is the other 85%. When observed as a practice, integration can enhance the teachings from a psychedelic experience into one’s lifestyle. Integration is more than just the follow up sessions after a journey, it is the actual embodiment of new perspectives and bringing those forward into life. This is an over time process, and requires patience with yourself. Some examples of these shifts include developing a practice of some kind, taking better care of your body, changing the way we relate to others, deepening your connection to the natural world, the list goes on.
Essentially preparation and integration become part of a cycle, in which the prep is integration and the integration is prep for the next journey. Support in this process, regardless of how much experience you may or may not have, is helpful to the enhancement of developing and sustaining a more full and authentic state of being.
Please note, I do not promote the use of illegal substances. The information provided here and in my work is meant to educate and orient the public towards safe, caring, and just communities of care regarding the use of psychedelics and plant medicine.
Psychedelics, just like other substances, are a risk for abuse or misuse when used without intention, care, and understanding of their risks/benefits. Additionally, psychedelics are not appropriate for everyone such as those with severe mental health or medical issues, on certain medications such as SSRI’s and where one struggles to have their basic needs met.
Harm reduction is the lending of insight, education, and encouragement of educating oneself about best practices in how to proceed in their exploration of non-ordinary states of consciousness. The overall objective is to support the individual to make well-informed decisions, feel empowered, and reduce harm or risk in their quest for expansive states.
Harm reduction is not, nor does it replace, medical treatment, psychotherapy, or psychoanalysis. Harm reduction has some limitations that only a medical professional can answer. Should we work together, it is important to note the client’s responsibility to take their physical, mental, and emotional health into their own hands and do their research if they have any medical conditions or medications that could be contraindicated to any medicine, energetic, chemical, or plant-based, that they seek to explore with.